New Tips About Windows and Safety

New Tips About Windows and SafetyPeople choose windows for a number of reasons. When they’re chosen properly and you work with the right company (hint, hint, Valley Windows), they open up all sorts of value-adds for your property. Curb appeal is the first and obvious. Those walking by take note at the sorts of windows that you choose, because it shows that you’ve put a lot of important effort into the design of your home. Conversely, windows are wonderful for the inhabitants of your home – encouraging all sorts of benefits like natural light and cosy days by them enjoying your view.

It’s important to remind our readers of the benefits of choosing windows because we know there are a lot of questions about how to choose them. Yes, a floor-to-ceiling window can sound like a wonderful aspirational option, but some baulk at a) the price, but b) (and the purpose of this post) the safety. We’re here to dispel both of these concerns.

We’ll cover off on price quickly. All Valley Windows options are priced to make both your house happy and your wallet happy. Our goal is to provide you with a better view, and we’re committed to doing so. This can be accomplished through one of our main values – consistent communication with our customers. We want to have conversations around what you’re looking for and what you think is reasonable. It’s not only our job but also our passion.

On to safety. We get it, you don’t want any sorts of concern around who is seeing into your living spaces. We feel the exact same way. There are a few things to keep in mind here so that you know you’re in the right hands with us and this is no longer something that you or your household is worried about:

The materials that we use

Think about cars… they can have all sorts of tints, right? Most of the time these days when you walk by a car, you have no idea what’s inside. We work the same way, thinking through the right materials for your windows, depending on your needs. Your windows throughout your home or business may have completely different asks, and we’re completely amenable to thinking through what that strategy looks like.

Where we place your windows

You place your windows for all sorts of different reasons; you may have a beautiful view that you want to capitalize on, but it’s only accessible from certain parts of your home… we love these conversations. They allow us to be creative and they’re so satisfying for both you and us when windows are designed and installed in just the right spot.

Recommendations for drapes and shades

Interior design elements are a really personal decision for each household. That said, with all due humility, we’ve seen it all: the good, the bad, and the – well, the “we wouldn’t recommend”. We are happy to make recommendations about the right ways to dress your windows, not only for safety but sun exposure as well!

Questions? Please reach out. The Valley Windows team would love to hear from you.