Preventing Window Leaks and Water Damage During Heavy Rain
If you live in a city like Melbourne, where the weather can sometimes be unpredictable, heavy downpours are probably something that you’ve encountered from time to time. During such downpours, nothing beats the feeling of cosying up under the sheets at home. However, a leaky window ruins any such plans and may even cause additional water damage to your window frames and other furniture or home fixtures. In this post, we take a closer look at some of the steps you can take to prevent window leaks and water damage in your home.
Understanding the Cause of Window Leaks
To effectively put an end to leaky windows in your home, the first step you should take is to identify the root cause of the leaks. Only by addressing the root cause can you ensure that the leak won’t happen again during another heavy downpour. Some common causes of window leaks include:
- Damaged Seals: The seals around window panes can deteriorate over time due to natural wear and tear, enabling water to seep in through the gaps.
- Poor Window Installation: If you’ve recently replaced your windows but find that they’re still prone to leaking, it could be due to poor workmanship by the installer.
- Clogged Gutters or Downspouts: If your gutters or downspouts are clogged, they may not effectively redirect rainwater away from your home.
- Structural Damage: Structural damage to your walls or caulking can result in cracks that allow rainwater to seep through.
Installing Weatherproofing Measures
Once you have determined the root cause of your leaky windows, you can then proceed to install weatherproofing measures to counteract them. Some common waterproofing measures that are very effective in minimising leaks include:
Storm Windows or Shutters
Storm windows and exterior shutters are two great hardware options that you can install to improve the structural integrity of your windows. Storm windows are exceptionally durable windows built to withstand heavy rains, whereas exterior shutters work by acting as a barrier between the window and the rain.
Sealing or Caulking
If your windows were not properly installed or if they are leaking due to damaged caulking or sealing, simply replacing the sealing or caulking can help solve the problem. Unless you have experience with caulking or sealing, it may be beneficial to engage professional help to assist you with caulking or sealing your windows to ensure that you use the right type of caulk or sealant for your windows and that it is applied properly.
Replacing Your Old Windows
As a last resort, you can also consider replacing your old windows if you want to not only get rid of your leaky window problem but also upgrade the visual appearance of your home. Valley Windows is a leading manufacturer and supplier of custom windows and doors in Melbourne. Contact us today to find out more about how our experts can help you with your leaky window problem.