What to Consider When Buying New Windows
A window is just a window, right? If that’s your opinion, then we’re here to prove you wrong. We’re the Valley Windows team and we know that windows and doors give your homes and businesses a better view. We strongly believe that we have the wide breadth of products to help with this, no matter what your needs or your budget are. That being said, we know that there are different styles of windows which will bring value to a certain architectural style, and that there are different styles of windows that won’t bring any value at all. It’s all about finding the right match and the Valley Windows team is here to help with that.
Thanks to decades of experience in the field, we’ve done our homework on which pairings will make the most sense. Read on for more intel on this topic, according to the Valley Windows team:
We’re going to look at a few different scenarios, depending on where and how you live. First up, you are one of the lucky few with an amazing vista below you. It may be of fields, valleys, mountains or a body of water, but we’re pretty sure that you’re going to want to promote it to visitors and friends as much as you can. In this scenario, floor to ceiling windows will provide you with the most value. Take our Fixed Windows for example. They don’t require transoms or finger joins or veneers. They provide structural strength, they’re stable and they can even handle larger spans of glass.
Let’s say that you see the value of your home in different ways, that don’t put as much of an emphasis on natural light. Maybe, your bedroom or social space faces a specific direction where you’re blasted with light at inopportune times of day. While you don’t want to black out light altogether, you can take advantages of solutions like Casement Windows. Casement Windows have heavy-duty corrosion resistant stays. They can maximise air flow and easy cleaning with sashes that open out to 90 degrees.
Taking a peek at one final scenario, let’s talk through those that need to maximize their natural lighting and airflow, but maybe the view outside isn’t one that you want promoted. Possibly you live in a metropolitan area, and you moved there for other reasons than the view. Don’t be thwarted away from large and beautiful windows – this is where shades and screens really come into play. You can purchase external examples or those that hang internally. And thanks to the age of technology, you can manage everything they do with only the press of a button.
In summary, there are dozens of different window solutions that you can take advantage of, no matter what your home looks like or where it may be located. All that you need to do, is pick up the phone and reach out to the Valley Windows team so that we can begin to help bring you a better view.