Considerations for Choosing Your Next Windows

Considerations for Choosing Your Next Windows

Here at Valley Windows, we’re dedicated to bringing you the best view. This means that we know the importance of windows to the design of any home or business. Some say that the eyes are windows the soul. We believe that windows are the windows of any building, providing a glimpse into what’s inside. We know that a lot of time and effort goes into your choice and that there are careful considerations that need to be had. When you visit the Valley Windows blog, it’s that time of information that you’ll find. We want to equip our customers with everything that they need to make this choice, and we will be with you throughout the entirety of the process. Read on for some of the considerations that we recommend keeping in mind as you decide to let Valley Windows bring you a better view.

First of the bat, there is one major recommendation that we want you to be aware of. A lot of these are irrelevant, since you’ll be working with a company like Valley Windows, so they’re taken care of. But if you’re not and you want to install your own windows, make sure that you get the installation instructions from your manufacturer at the time of construction. These instructions change frequently, so you’ll want to wait until installation day, should part of the process shift.

There are also performance criteria to keep top of mind. They include but aren’t limited to:

Operating force- The operating force is what’s required to both initiate and maintain a sash, leaf, or panel that is in motion in both the opening or closing directions.

Air leakage resistance- The air leakage resistance is the flow of air that passes through the fenestration products.

Water penetration resistance- Water penetration resistance refers to the penetration of water beyond the plane intersecting the innermost projection of the test specimen, not including the interior trim and hardware, under the specified conditions of air pressure difference across the specimen.

Uniform load deflection test- Uniform load deflection test is the displacement that is due to flex of a member when it’s under an applied load.

Uniform load structural test- There’s a quick and easy way to determine that you have a uniform load. You need 150% of the design pressure for windows and doors and for uplift on unit skylights and roof windows. You need 200% of the design pressure for download on unit skylights and roof windows.

Forced-entry resistance- Forced-entry resistance is the ability that windows and doors in the locked position to resist entry under specified load and conditions.

CFR vs CR- As you probably know, condensation is when moisture is deposited on the surface of any object caused by warm or moist air that comes in contact with a colder object. It’s important to note the environment of your home so that you can make this decision accordingly. You can determine your condensation resistance factor using a tool here.

Questions? Please reach out to the Valley Windows team.