
Home Building 101 Builder Grade Windows

Home Building 101: Builder Grade Windows

Big building projects involve a lot of decisions and planning, from large-scale decisions about style to smaller decisions about the tiniest details. If you are building your house from scratch […]

hidden rooms

Hidden Rooms

You may have heard of the movie Hidden Figures, but are you familiar with the inspiring design and motive behind hidden spaces in your home? Don’t be scared if you’re […]

Sunrooms 101

Sunrooms 101

There is nothing that we love more than to bring a little light to our current Valley Windows and prospective Valley Windows customers. Ignore the double entendre – we know […]

Balconies 101

Balconies 101

The Valley Windows team loves balconies. You see them in so many different architectural styles. The movie that comes to mind for many is ‘Romeo and Juliet’, and that’s served […]

Timber Awning Window

What Does Your Window Say About Your Personality?

What a weird question, right? Why should any part of your home or even any inanimate object dictate or be dictated by your personality? At first, we at Valley Windows […]

The Future of Homes

The Future of Homes

Welcome to the Valley Windows blog! We’re excited to help educate you, not just about the products and services we offer, but about our passion for many different industries that […]